Dominican Republic is an island nation of rich culture and lasting tradition, located in the Caribbean Sea. Winning its status as an independent republic in 1844, the republic is best known for its beaches, resorts, and unique history (Brown, 1999). However, it is perhaps the unique blend of cultural influences from around the world that make this beautiful island the fascinating area it is today. Its influences, stemming from African, Taino, Spanish, and English origin, combine to create an experience more unique than those found almost anywhere in the world.

Of these influences, the Taino Indian culture is the first that can be noted in almost all areas of life in the Dominican Republic. The Tainos inhabited the island from before 11 A.D. through the colonization of the island by Columbus and the Spanish in 1492 (Brown, 1999). From the agricultural practices and foods to the religion and art, the...
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