You will need make the student realized that focus goes together with memory retention. Based on "Thinking for Results" by Donna Wilson Ph.D. And Marcus Conyers, there are thinking models that we could use as diagnostic tool. This is the Cognitive Assets in Three Phases:

INPUT (Gather Sensory Information) - clear intention, practical optimism, initiative, systematic approach, using two or more source information, selective intention, making comparisons, understanding time, and understanding space.

PROCESS (Elaboration of Thoughts) - problem definition, classification, making connections, systematic planning, cognitive flexibility, using cues appropriately, making inferences, hypothesis thinking, working memory, making meaning and summarizing.

OUTPUT (Application of Words) - point-of-view, thoughtful behavior, effective expression, appropriate courage, finishing power and learning from experiences.

Working memory is an important PROCESS part in Cognitive Assets. This is the portion wherein we select which information we would like to remember. On taking exams, students would need to review all...
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