The rule of thumb is to strike the enemy at places where the enemy feels 'safe' and then never let the enemy relax (Latin pp). Terrorism is an act of violence by groups that are part of guerilla movements, in an effort to create fear and draw support (Ramli pp). Today, suicide terrorism is the most widely used tactic by the insurgents in Iraq, and the present quagmire in Iraq could transform guerilla warfare into revolutionary warfare, whereby the Iraqis could mobilize and seize the state due to their hatred for the occupying power, thus within these constraints revolutionary warfare can take the form of urban guerilla war or rural guerilla war (Ramli pp).

Works Cited

Guerilla. Retrieved August 20, 2005 at

Latin America. Retrieved August 20, 2005 at

Ramli H. Nik. "Will we see history repeated in Iraq?" New Straits Times.

June 04, 2005. Retrieved August 20,...
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