Internet Addiction Disorder
Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction Disorder is a disease that has emerged in recent years and is at the time still new in terms of identification of symptom and treatment options as well. This work will research and examine information relating to the disorder illustrated in Internet usage, or over-use according to some.
Evidence of Internet Addiction Disorder
Stated symptoms of Internet Addiction are: (1) Using the online services everyday without any skipping; (2) Loosing track of time after making a connection; (3) Going out less and less; (4) Spending less and less time on meals at work or at home, eating in from of the computer monitor; (5) Denial of spending too much time online; (6) Others complaining of too much time being spent online; (7) Checking email too many times a day; (8) Thinking one has the best web site of all and pushing ones' URL...
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