These rituals performed in their indigenous countries can lower the levels of depression found in African-American women in their host countries. Such rituals are now performed less and less in western societies. More formal institutions of baptism, priest's blessings or circumcision secures the child's soul into the formal religious community. These practices integrate the child into the fold of the community but there are no such rituals for the recognition of the mother's new status. (Jones, 2002) The loss of interest in the ancient rituals while still maintaining traditional beliefs on depression and spirituality, have worsened the issue of postpartum depression for African-American women.


African-Americans have maintained many of their traditional beliefs and values dear. However, as with every community, old rites gradually disappear amalgamating into new concepts and theories. There is a limit to which ancient values can withstand the tide of changing time. As Catherine Cartwright Jones...
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