In response to the question of who social order is determined, Lord Krishna said, "Birth is not the cause, my friend; it is virtues which are the cause of auspiciousness. Even a candala observing the vow is considered a brahmana by the gods" (Caste pp). Stated in the Bhagavad Gita, "The fourfold caste has been created by Me according to the differentiation of Guna (attributes) and Karma" (Caste pp).

Hinduism believes in behavior, rather than belief and experience over authority, and recognizes no intermediary or prophet as standing between man and God (Tribute pp). The first principal of Hindu Dharma is that "the Reality is one without a second," and since it is beyond description by human mind, it is indicated by a single word, "Brahman" (Tribute pp). The distinguishing feature of Hinduism is pluralism combined with freedom of choice, one is free to choose, question and reject, even to...
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