Sophocles' "Antigone"

Antigone is motivated to disobey Creon's edict and give her brother, Polyneices, a proper burial because she believes both Eteocles and Polyneices deserve the same honor, to be reunited with their deceased parents to live in death in Hades. Antigone says, (lines 21-22) "Yea, hath not Creon, of our two brothers slain, honored with burial one, disdained the other?" This line shows Antigone's disagreement with Creon's decision to not bury both brothers honorably. When Antigone says, "So with my loved one loved shall I abide, my crime a deed most holy: for the dead longer have I to please than these on earth," it shows us the importance Antigone places on the afterlife. It is because of this importance and Antigone's own sense of right that she was motivated to disobey Creon's edict.

Ismene is a foil to Antigone when she refuses to help bury their brother, Polyneices....
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