The Temperature in my Hometown: Data
For example, Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania, showed a great variety in temperature over the course of August 2005. The actual high temperature in degrees Fahrenheit was 97, and the low 63. The normal highs and lows in the month of August in Clifton heights are 88 and 66. This fluctuation means that on very hot days, stores would find it difficult to cool their interiors in a cost-efficient fashion, yet consumers werespending more to cool their homes, and thus had less disposable income to spend during August. Also, hot days, psychologically, consumers may be less apt to shop for the traditional August bread and butter retail goods of school clothes and supplies, as it still seems like it is summer. A bad hurricane season and the high price of oil further cuts into consumer's ability to buy during a month with high utlity bills. Stores...
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