Moral development has become an increasingly important aspect of education. Educators typically introduce moral education during the preschool years; however, it is oftentimes an essential component in elementary and secondary curricula as well. A review of the importance such development during early childhood, for both individuals and society; its implications in preschool; its cultural nature; and how it relates to the Singapore early childhood educational system provide sufficient background of the matter.

Promoting moral development during early childhood has several benefits. One of the primary objectives of preschool is social competence. In other words, preschoolers are taught from the beginning of their educational experience that one must interact with others in a constructive manner. To attain this goal, preschoolers are taught to be polite, by using courteous phrases; to positively interact with ethnically and racially diverse peers; to cooperatively use resources (such as toys, books, food, and crayons); to play...
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