Death and Dying

'My new body was weightless and extremely mobile, and I was fascinated by my new state of being. Although I had felt pain from the surgery only moments before, I now felt no discomfort at all. I was whole in every way -- perfect," (Eadie "Embraced" 30). In her groundbreaking book Embraced by the Light, Betty J. Eadie writes about her own near-death experience to help dispel the universal fear of dying. Eadie's body was clinically dead during a surgical procedure, but her consciousness remained vital and alive. Not only did Eadie live to tell the story, but her encounter with death was a spiritual awakening, an experience that positively changed her perspective on life. Personal accounts such as Eadie's abound in the literature, demonstrating that death and dying need not be the fearsome processes many would believe them to be. In the 1960s, author Elisabeth Kubler-Ross...
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