Health IMS

Health Information Management Systems (IMS) and its Impact on Organizational Decision-Making

In the journal article entitled, "The Benefits of Health Information Technology: A Review of the Recent Literature," authors Buntin et. al. (2011) examined extant, current literature -- a total of 154 peer-reviewed studies between 2007 and 2010 -- to evaluate the reported benefits of the integration of information management systems (IMS) in medical and healthcare institutions. This evaluation of health IMS-related studies was an attempt to verify if indeed, the new technology integrated within the healthcare operations and systems of institutions globally would result to the desired goal, which is to provide a more efficient, effective, and quality healthcare to the general public.

The integration of IMS in healthcare systems and operations is prompted with the approval and passing of the law called HITECH, or Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. Passed in 2007, HITECH...
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