Obese children are often ostracized socially as well (Childhood Obesity (http://www.obesity.org/subs/childhood/causes.shtml).They go to school and they are called names and chosen last for recess and sports games. This treatment by other children can lead to lowered self-esteem, which in turn causes the overweight child to turn to food for comfort. A child who is lonely and has social problems may spend more time in the house because going outside means encountering other children who will tease or bully the overweight child. This staying inside adds to the sedentary lifestyle that is a large contributor of the problem of childhood obesity.

The primary cause of obesity in children according to medical experts is overeating combined with lack of exercise. Another cause can be an eating disorder. Research concludes children who are obese due to overeating tend to be taller than other children however, their adult height may be shorter than most...
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