Mozart v. Schubert

Two of the best-known composers of all time, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Peter Schubert, shared much in common in terms of their upbringing. Both from present-day Austria, Mozart and Schubert grew up in musical families, with fathers that fostered their innate talents. Although Mozart is more famous for his being a child prodigy, Schubert also showed an early predilection for musical genius even if he wasn't writing symphonies by the time he was five years old as Mozart did. Mozart did have more access to quality schooling and training throughout his formative years than Schubert did, although the latter eventually gained entry into the Convict, one of the most notable music academies at the time. At the Convict, Schubert studied under Mozart's supposed nemesis, Antonio Salieri. However, Schubert was born six years after Mozart died, and also looked up to his predecessor as much as he...
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