Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy (PAP) (mimicking the methods used by Lederman and Mian, 2003), followed by a follow-up study that tracked the rates of pregnancy among participants in the PAP program.


Overall, this paper shows that research articles on teen pregnancy (such as Lederman and Mian, 2003), could benefit from a closer look at anecdotal observations and the real-world impact on parents and children. In contrast, popular articles (like the article) could benefit from a more rigorous understanding and application of academic qualifications and proof.


In conclusion, the comparison of my observations of my field study placement for Girls Inc. Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy (PAP) with Lederman and Mian's (2003) empirical article and's popular article revealed a number of interesting observations. Both popular articles and empirical articles in the field could be improved, and a new study attempting to integrate academic components and anecdotal observations may create better...
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