Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Robert Frost is considered to be one of the greatest American poets. Perhaps the reason for his widespread appeal is that his poems have a simplistic and easy-going facade. However, upon deeper exploration, Frost's work is revealed as having multiple layers of meaning. "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" paints a calm, serene picture that may seem extremely simple and straightforward at first glance. "Stopping by Woods' provides a doorway into an understanding of the poet's great popularity with 'ordinary' readers." (Kilcup) However, there is a sort of hidden meaning in this poem that is infused with intense emotion. The imagery of the setting and symbolism of the poem are two of Frost's literary techniques used in this poem to give it deeper meaning regarding life and society.

Frost presents a dark and mysterious setting for this poem. A dark, cold, snowy...
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