Intellect is just an instrument through which the Soul emerges and develops: "Do you not see how necessary a World of Pains and troubles is to school an Intelligence and make it a Soul?" Meanwhile, Tennyson, in his poem "In memoriam," centered on the importance of humility as well, although he did not equate with Intellect the importance of the Spirit or Soul. For Tennyson, intellect is nothing without humility and faith in God, a similar condition expressed in Keats' discourse: "We have but faith: we cannot know; for knowledge is of things we see and yet we trust it comes from thee..." Rossetti shared Tennyson's humble and faithful belief in God, although, as illustrated in the poem "A Better Resurrection," she proved herself incapable of considering herself as worthy of God's grace and forgiveness. Nevertheless, like Tennyson, the poem was created in honor of God and the inherent goodness...
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