At the same time, Urbain Leverrier (a French mathematician) would independently calculate the location of the plant and send his findings to the Urania Observatory in Berlin. Where, they had a theory that some kind of planet was in the location of the mathematical calculation. Once they received the findings from Leverrier, they were able to discover Neptune. As a result, both Adams and Leverrier would be recognized for discovering the planet. (Smith)

Discuss the moons of Neptune

Neptune has a total a thirteen discovered moons. However, in the last ten years a total five moons were discovered. The largest is Triton. This runs in a counter clockwise orbit of the planet and is full of geological activities (including: volcanoes as well as geysers). A few of the other moons that orbit Neptune include: Nereid, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Naiad, Proteus and Thalassa. (Russell)

Describe and discuss the rings of Neptune...
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