One of the applications of Fractal is seen in respect of Seirpinski's Triangle. It is initiated as a triangle and the new iteration of it generates a triangle with the mid points of the other triangles of it. Another illustration of fractal is Koch Snowflake. It initiates with a triangle and go on adding triangles to its trisection points that exert outward points for all infinity. (Chaos Theory and Fractals)

Platonic Solids:

Platonic Solids indicates to the polyhedron where all the faces are congruent regular polygons. Evidentially, same number of faces converges at every vertex here. (the Platonic Solids: The University of Utah) the platonic solids are also known as regular solids or regular polyhedra and taken to be the convex polydedra with same number of faces consisted of convex regular polygons. Euclid in the last proposition of the Elements afforded to prove exactly five such solids like cub, dodecahedron,...
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