Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells

The Persecuted becomes the Persecutor

The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells is told in the voice of an initially horrified interloper into Dr. Moreau's created society. The narrator is a young diplomat who is at first delightfully rescued by Moreau's helper from a shipwreck, only to find himself in an even more dangerous and terrible world than the open sea. Dr. Moreau has created a world where he is God and king of a self-created tribe of "beast people." Yet Moreau's world is so corrupt that it not only corrupts the souls of the creator and his progeny but also that of Montgomery, his aide and abettor in his nefarious and demented scheme to meld the bodies of humans and animals. Finally, Moreau's project even corrupts the narrator himself, as the narrator must assume a deified persona in an act of...
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