" The patients in the study had "previously failed to lose weight in multiple medically supervised attempts, and were given a standardized form with instructions on the amylase-free diet (Jancin, 2001)." There was no exercise program provided, as the patients were unable to exercise without extreme difficulty.

The results showed that "three-quarters of participants who were compliant with therapy averaged a 4.6% loss in body fat and a 3.1 pound gain in lean body mass in 12 weeks (Jancin, 2001)." Researchers are hopeful this program will work for individuals who have not achieved results from a low-fat diet and exercise.


Overweight individuals have an increased risk of contracting diabetes. Some patients are now being diagnosed with 'pre-diabetes', which "indicates a partly elevated blood sugar level that will likely develop into full diabetes within 10 years if nothing is done to stop it. Scientists now have proof that something can:...
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