S.E. Hinton's novel The Outsiders is the story of a young boy, trapped in a world of poverty, discrimination, crime, and violence. When his world is turned upside down after an accidental death, he learns that the world around him is not as hostile as it first appears, if he is willing to let down his defenses. Through the love and support of those closest to him, the boy finds a positive side of his life that was previously obscured.

The main character in the story, Ponyboy Curtis, is a shy, intelligent fourteen-year-old boy whose life is full of disappointment. Losing his parents at a young age, he is constantly overprotected by his older brothers, Darryl and Sodapop. In addition, the groups of boys have a wide variety of friends, all of whom help them deal with the violent life around them. They are poor, domestic abuse is rampant, as...
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