Typography Design
Taking a lead from the typeface named Matisse ITC, a typography-based design was created with the broad-brushstrokes, primary colors, and dominant white space that characterized the gouche paintings and cutouts created by the artist Matisse. The central theme is of a ski hut on the night of a full moon, with evidence of children playing in the snow left over from the day, and the cold clear starlit night shining between sparsely falling snowflakes. Four distinct typefaces are used in the graphic design. The typefaces have been manipulated to increase the continuity and message of the overall design.
According to Useful Information for Web Developers and Designers, "Typography is the ultimate form of science meeting art. Space, size, type treatment/effects, contrast, color selection -- and much more -- go into every piece of design that involves the use of type."
Although children are taught in school to...
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