With optimistic concurrency control, the database checks resources to determine if any conflicts have occurred only when attempting to change data. If a conflict occurs, the application must read the data and attempt the change again. Pessimistic concurrency, on the other hand, control locks resources as they are required, for the duration of a transaction. Unless deadlocks occur, a transaction is assured of successful completion

5.5 Audit Tracking

Although auditing does not prevent system attacks, it is a vital aid in identifying intruders, attacks in progress, and to diagnose attack footprints (Meier, Mackman, Dunner, Vasireddy, Escamilla and Murukan). It is important to enable Windows operating system level auditing and SQL Server login auditing. SQL Server also offers an auditing capability that complies with the U.S. Government C2 certification. C2 level auditing provides substantially more audit information at the expense of increased disk storage requirements.

5.6 Encryption

SQL Server 2005 will...
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