In McCrillis). For this reason, many people have worked tirelessly to restrict the sort of verbal hate crimes that Eminem commits against women, homosexuals and anyone else he desires.

As Allan Bloom's book, the Closing of the American Mind notes, "Nothing is more singular about this generation than its addiction to music. This is the age of music and the states of soul that accompany it" (qtd. In Eby). When one then looks back to one of the most popular artists of this generation, Eminem's, lyrics, this becomes increasingly disturbing. His lyrics are consistently filled with explicit sexual material, violence, hate, and offensive language. (See Table 1.)

Eminem's Influence on Today's Youth:

Although some argue that Eminem is merely expressing the socioeconomic angst common to the ghetto, and that it is his right to free speech he is exercising, certain effects, on today's youth, simply cannot be ignored. Eminem's caustic...
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