
This gives project B. An IRR of -0.028%

Part C

Using the above assessments each may indicate which investment may be preferred. Using the payback period project a has a payback period of 4 years, whereas project B. has a payback period of 3 years 8 months. If the fastest payback period is preferred than project B. will be chosen.

The NPV which discounts the net revenues into a net present value shows that Project a has a loss of 1,576 and the loss for Project B. is 1,074. If assessed only on this basis, project a makes the greatest loss. However, the basic rule of NPV is that investments should only be made in projects where there is a new positive value, otherwise the firm is not earning the amount it is costing them in payments to support the capital used to fund the project (Weetman, 2010, p269)....
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