Under the terms of Canada's proposed Assisted Human Reproduction Act outlined in September 22, 2003 issue of Health Law Review, it is not ethically acceptable to create human embryos specifically for research purposes, although "in cases where human embryos are created for reproductive purposes, and subsequently are no longer required for such purposes research involving human embryos may be considered to be ethically acceptable" if they meet certain criteria outlined in the bill (Knoppers 2003).

In November 2004, the United States and other opponents of human cloning shelved their bid for a United Nations treaty to ban the controversial procedure due to opposition by nations seeking to allow cloning from embryonic stem cell research (Wadhams 2004). While there is near universal support among the 191 members of the United Nations to ban reproductive cloning, countries are still wresting over whether to allow cloning for stem cell and other research (Wadhams...
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