For more than thirty years governments have been trying to restrict tobacco promotion, however, it seems that nothing except a total ban is going to work (Shatenstein Pp). For example, in response to government crack-downs, the industry has become more heavily involved in sports sponsorship, in fact, tobacco companies are now among the largest sponsors of sport (Shatenstein Pp). Sponsorships such as this confuses health messages, "neutralizes a range of important potential allies for public health including sports organizations, athletes, and politicians, as well as perpetuates the myth that smoking is really not that dangerous to health (Shatenstein Pp). Another promotional ploy is brand stretching, whereby tobacco companies use the name, colors and logo of a cigarette brand on other products that do not have advertising restrictions, such as Marlboro Classics clothing and Camel boots and accessories (Shatenstein Pp).

According to one recent study, alcohol advertising expenditures are greatest in...
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