Gaius Octavius (Augustus)

Reformation of the Roman Empire under Augustus' Administration

Upon Julius Caesar's death in 44 BC, Gaius Octavius or Octavian ascended from being a senator to consul and eventually, in 29 BC, he became the emperor of the Roman Empire. Under his administration, social, cultural, and political reforms were implemented to restore Rome's glory after the political chaos that the empire had experienced over the past decade. The development of the Augustan Age, or more aptly called the Golden Age of Roman culture, vital social changes were created to deconstruct the existing structures and institutions that have always prevailed in Roman society.

In terms of political reform, the Augustan administration during this period has gradually shown flexibility in exercising the freedom of the civil society, as the power and influence of the monarchy had shown inconsistency in maintaining political stability and order in the Empire. Under his administration,...
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