history of bowling, and talk about and describe an alternate form of bowling called "Candlepin." Bowling is one of the most popular sports in America today, but its' origins lie far back in time, and it has changed quite a bit throughout the years.

Modern bowling could have developed as early as the stone age, but historians do know that in the Middle Ages, some Germans played the sport of "kegling," where they "tossed round stones at anywhere from three to nine standing clubs" (Hurley 110). Today, bowlers are still often called "keglers" because of this. Variations of this game spread around Europe and the world, and it is certain early Americans enjoyed some form of it. As Germans immigrated to the country, they brought a love of the sport, and helped it develop in the mid-1800s. Throughout the nineteenth century, the sport grew, and became quite fashionable. Historian Hurley...
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