Muscular System

Function of action potentials?

The function of action potentials is to rapidly communicate information within a neuron, coupling the neurons "input," either synaptic, sensory or intrinsic stimulation with its output, neurotransmitter secretion.

Cell electrical properties are the result of?

Cells use atoms that have become charged as a result of gaining, or losing, valency shell electrons. Cells are wet circuits that operate in a salty, conductive, medium.

How is the outside surface of the plasma membrane different from the inside surface?

The outer and inner surface of the plasma membrane of quite different. They form two separate water interacting surfaces, and proteins coat the outer surface. Although proteins extend through the membrane, they are only exposed on the outer surface. By means of selective permeability, the outer surface has a higher positive charge than its inner surface

Know the terms depolarization, repolarization, hyperpolarization, hypopolarization.

Depolarization: This occurs when...
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