When he steals the truck to look for Zero, he thinks to himself, "He couldn't blame his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather this time. This time it was his own fault, one hundred percent" (Sachar 148). Stanley finally finds happiness in the most unlikely of places, an onion field on the side of a mountain. The onions heal Stanley and Zero because they are what is left of the Onion Man's field, and he was a good, decent person. Stanley discovers he is a good, decent person too, and he begins to like himself, and that is the beginning of his transformation.

Stanley's ordeal at Green Lake really shows that life has many twists and turns, and everything that happens is supposed to happen, like destiny. The Yelnats were supposed to suffer so they could fully enjoy their success. Stanley was supposed to get hit by those tennis shoes to make the entire story...
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