How long has this been going on?
Johnny: Now Vena, nothing's going on. Rochelle just happened to be with me when I went in to Safeway's.
Vena: (voice rising) "Happened" to be with you? It hasn't even been a full year, and already you've moved on to my family members. Is this what you meant by when you said you wanted to see other people? My family? Who's next, my mom!
Johnny: Please, Vena, don't start again. Remember, this is the whole reason why we broke up in the first place. I was going to be graduating, we wouldn't be able to spend as much time together, and you knew you would get jealous.
Vena: But with my cousin? And in my hometown? Didn't you care about me at all; didn't I mean anything to you?
Johnny: (soothingly): Really, I think you're jumping to conclusions. Rochelle wasn't hanging all over...
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