Affirmative action refers to the positive steps such as policies, rules, and regulations which take represent minority groups in the work place with the final benefit of making them represented in the workplace to counter the effects of discrimination. Some of the discrimination factors that against which affirmative action are instituted are race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, color, and national origin Pynes, 2008()

Position on affirmative action

Affirmative action helps to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. It helps to end unfair treatment of employees or students based on their characteristics such as race, color, etc. This helps to create an equal employment opportunity environment for the workers since there will be no stereotyping and they will all be given an equal chance of succeeding at what they do. Also, affirmative action ensures that the minority groups are represented in the workplace Beauchamp, 1998()

However, on this line, affirmative action has...
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