Anselm's using a number of community outreach methods to involve seniors in a trial 5-day a week exercise program. The health belief model would be central to the campaign used for outreach, with the intent of encouraging involvement of roughly 30 participants over the duration of a full year. This experimental group would be compared to a control group that would remain engaged in St. Anselm's already existing 3-day-a-week tai-chi program.

Researchers will seek out a previously tested and confirmed self-report inventory on physical, mental and emotional well-being. The properly vetted instrument will be used to gauge the personal health evaluation of each respondent with the hypothesis that those in the experimental group will produce more positive index scores. The inventory would be administered four times over the course of the year on a quarterly basis. Hereafter, statistical analysis will rely on the use of a t-test, an appropriate mode...
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