By May 2012, MedAssets long-term debts are approximately $959.94 Million.

Additionally, MedAssets secures loans that carry interest rates. With significant amount of loans that the company has secured and notes that the company has issued, the company faces interest rates risks. To mitigate the effect of risks associated with the fluctuation of the interest rates, the company enters into the series of financial instrument to guide against the risks from the loans agreement and the bond that company has issued in order to raise fund.

Due to the interests rates fluctuation, MedAssets faces the interest rates risks that could jeopardize its business operations. Typically, MedAssets faces interest rates under the borrowing agreement. A loan under the credit agreement carries the interest rates. To safeguard against the fluctuation of the interest rates, the company policy is to manage the interest cost using cost efficient method. The company enters into financial derivative...
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