
Thomas More wrote Utopia in 1515 and in the story this place of "utopia" is told to him by a friend who encounters it upon his travels. Utopia is described by Giles, More's friend, as a place where there isn't any social unrest and suffering is nowhere to be found. More seems to have written Utopia with the idea of individual freedom in mind; however, there are some problems with the Utopia that More deemed as perfect. First of all, if More wrote Utopia with individual freedom in mind, then why are individual activities actually discouraged and in its place is favored the communal life? Individualism doesn't seem to be encouraged in More's utopian society as what is held as virtuous is supporting society as a whole and not straying from the values and mores that have been laid out for that society.

In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury,...
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