That only requires 36 contacts between the victim nodes and the attack nodes, with 720 intervals for updates (Chan-Tin, et al., 2011). At that point, disruptions in the network would begin to be seen. The attacker can continue to increase the variance, but there will eventually be a point reached at which the variance is no longer successful because the frog-boiling attack fails (Chan-Tin, et al., 2011). This usually comes about due to a too-rapid increase in the changing victim node coordinates, which stops the attack because the system flags the changes in the node as something that may be problematic. Naturally, in order for the attack to be successful the node changes must be gradual enough to avoid a flag by the system.

Network-Partition Attack

The second kind of attack discussed by Chan-Tin, et al. (2011) is the network-partition attack. This attack is similar to the basic-targeted attack, but...
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