Since the proposed budget has come into a deficit, there is a need to balance the budget of the proposed program to enhance the financial sustainability of the project.

Method to balance the Proposed Budget

One of the methods employed to balance the budget is to calculate the revenue realized from children based on the current child/daycare ratio 8:1. The paper adjusts the entire child/daycare ratio to 8:1 as being revealed in the appendix 2. To adjust child/daycare ratio to 8:1, the paper divides the number of children by employee. The adjustment is necessary because the ratio for child/childcare in appendix 1 is unrealistic. For example, in March, in the appendix 1, the number of children is 146 while the number of daycare is 25. Thus, the ratio of child/employee in March will be 5.84:1. This ratio is unrealistic since it is impossible to get human with total number of...
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