Another proposal would be to include new state and local government workers in the system (Kubarych, 2004).

Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare and Medicaid were formally enacted as amendments to the Social Security Act in 1965. These programs guarantee health insurance for the elderly and the poor. The Medicare program covers most persons age 65 or older and consists of four related health insurance plans, a hospital insurance plan, a supplementary medical insurance plan, and two privately run plans, Medicare Advantage and prescription drug coverage (Mazie, 2012).

The Medicaid health insurance program is designed for low-income persons under age 65 and persons over that age that have exhausted their Medicare benefits. Hospital care, physicians' services, skilled nursing care, home health services, family planning, and diagnostic screening are covered by the plan. The program is funded by the Federal Government and the states. To participate in the plan, states are required to...
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