Outrigger will need to define a strategy for it that makes the ERP system more of an asset than a liability.

3. What should be, in your opinion, the role of the IS function at Outrigger Hotels and Resorts?

The IS function at Outrigger should be the catalyst of all strategic activity, with special emphasis on gaining greater customer insight using the E.piphany datamart integrated with the Stellex transactional database and reservation systems to provide great visibility into customer activity. There would be significantly greater level of room usage optimization and the streamlining of processes to drive up ADRs as well across the entire chain. In the context of the case study, the IS function is only delivering a fraction of what it is capable of.

4. Can you articulate the IS vision for the firm?

Become customer-centric both in philosophy and process, using the IS investments and platforms to...
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