
for Delta Airlines

The situation in the airline industry was already in trouble long before September 11, 2001. Major airlines like Delta was pursuing bankruptcy as an option to fight off organizational collapse caused by reduced traffic, skyrocketing expenses and potential pilot strikes for both the wholly owned subsidiary Comair and Delta's own pilots. Since deregulation, one of the only alternatives for the major airlines was bankruptcy. The terrorist hijackings on 9/11/2001, was simply added salt in Delta's wounds. This research paper is about a real-life negotiation for Delta Airlines and Comair. The report will do the following:

Identify the parties involved in the negotiation

Identify the central and secondary issues of the negotiation

Identify the interests of each party and why they care

Identify the opening positions of the parties and how they presented themselves

Identify the final position of the parties and how they evolved.

Identify key...
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