Another option could be fro Bug to use a defense of proximate cause which states that for a negligent act or omission to be a proximate cause of damage, it must be a natural and probable (not just possible) result of a sequence unbroken by any intervening causes.

6. [See situations b. And c. For background information.] The attorneys for BUG have completed their investigation of WIRETAP and its employee, Steve. If they want to bring a successful action against WIRETAP for civil RICO, what do they need to prove? What type(s) of damages could BUG receive?

The RICO law was an attempt to eliminate organized crime. The focus was that by concentrating on illegal money made during a crime, the person using that money was in fact perpetrating a crime. Legal consequences for RICO can be extremely harsh. Guilty parties could face both criminal and civil forfeitures, a $25,000...
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