Statistics and Econometrics

ID- 4119L

2011/12 LEVEL


Present your data in a table showing the names of the variables. Make sure the full definitions and sources of each variable are given.

Birth Rates: (thousands)

Quarter1 (Q1)

Quarter2 (Q2)

Quarter3 (Q3)

Quarter4 (Q4)

GDP per capita (GDP)

The GDP data used was from in the table Economics, Business, and the Environment -- GDP: GDP per capita, current U.S. dollars

Current U.S.$ per person


The equation to be estimated is:

BRi = b0 + b1 GDPi+ ui (i)

(i) In terms of the literature on demand for children, what would you expect to find for the coefficient on b1 ?

is expected to have a negative value. There is an indirect negative relationship between the birth rate and GDP per capita of a country. Generally, as the GDP per capita increases, the birth rate decreases [James M....
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