The play "Inherit the Wind" changes the real-life script. In the real "Scopes Monkey Trial" Clarence Darrow defends John Scopes and William Jennings Bryan serves as the prosecutor. This was a clash of legal titans, if you will, because Bryan had run for president of the U.S. several times. Actually Bryan can be seen now as a brilliant buffoon, arguing that the Bible trumps science.

Is the play sympathetic to the law? Actually it is not sympathetic to the law, because although Cates had to pay a $100 fine, Brady (playing Bryan) is made to look rather silly when cross examined by Drummond, who gets Brady to admit he does not interpret the Bible literally, which shoots down the creationist story. Moreover, the victory is a hollow one for the prosecution. What characteristics of law are featured in the play? In this fictional court of law in 1925, the judge...
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