...Mechanical (rather than human) means are to be used to move the car (and parts) from one step in the assembly process to the next....Complex sets of movements are eliminated and the worker does 'as nearly as possible only one thing with one movement' "(Ibid, 59).

Calculability "involves an emphasis on things that can be calculated, counted, quantified. It means a tendency to use quantity as a measure of quality. This leads to a sense that quality is equal to certain, usually (but not always) large quantities of things" (Ibid, 62) Ritzer points out that this was an approach from McDonald's early days. He cites evidence of the Big Mac as a name for a burger: big burger must be desirable, that "consumers are lead to believe that they are getting a large amount of food for a small expenditure of money. Calculating consumers come away with the feeling that...
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