(de Zuniga, Mencia Manso., 2001, 1-2)

Socially, the rise of the Hispanic population is propelling their cultural mores into mainstream acceptance. There has been the advent of media TV channels specifically catered to the Hispanic market by only screening programs that solely speak Spanish. Many jobs now have the requirement for the candidate to speak more than one language (e.g. English and Spanish), and the census even allows respondents to put down more than one nationality in relation to their cultural identity. (Rural Migration News, 1998, 1) Concerning health care, Hispanics suffer some diseases more profoundly than other cultural groups in the population because they are not as medically aware. Also, compounded with the language barrier, older Hispanics who don't understand English tend to bring their children in to translate and the situation can get a little difficult explaining to a child what is medically wrong with the adult. There...
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