Isaac and Rebekah seemed to have a happy and healthy functional marriage. While it is never overtly stated in the text, the implication is that the two love one another. However, despite what one assumes is a fairly active sex life, Rebekah is unable to conceive and they do not create a child during Rebekah's childbearing years. She passes into old age, which makes one believe that she will never be able to conceive, making her conception of Esau and Jacob even more extraordinary.

Furthermore, though her mother-in-law Sarah also experienced barrenness, she did not have the same tension about conception as Rebekah. Sarah always had God's favor; she was a major component of God's plan for Abraham. Therefore, there was some understanding that she would eventually have a child to continue the nation of Israel. In contrast, Rebekah was not considered an essential part of Isaac's story. As a...
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