Picard: Like this hearing.

Maddox: Yes

With this acknowledged, Maddox admits Data is intelligent, but lacks self-awareness and consciousness.

Picard: What about self-awareness? What does that mean? Why am I self-aware?

Maddox: Because you are conscious of your existence and actions. You are aware of your own self and your own ego.

Picard: Commander Data. What are you doing now?

Data: I am taking part in a legal hearing to determine my rights and status. Am I a person or am I property?

Picard: And what is at stake?

Data: My right to choose, perhaps my very life.

Really, then, we see that if Data has information about his own beliefs and can extrapolate those consequences, he must then be self-aware and therefore, closer to being human.

Picard: Now tell me Commander [Maddox], what is Data?

Maddox: I don't understand.

Picard: What is he?

Maddox: A machine.

Picard: Are you...
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