Social Psychology

Social Biases

Social bias is a concept which should need no explanation, however, unfortunately, that is not the case. In this society, instances of social bias are insidious and all pervasive. They are represented by prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Also unfortunate, is the fact that social bias is not always obvious because it can manifest in either subtle or blatant form. Furthermore, though not always apparent, individual lives are continuously impacted by bias, be it stereotyping, prejudice, or outright discrimination. There are, however, strategies which may be employed to overcome social biases. It is only with a thorough understanding of what social bias is, how it affects individuals, and availing oneself of the tools to eradicate it, that it may eventually dissipate thereby removing the negative impact that it has on individuals, groups, and society as a whole.

Essentially, social bias is a general concept which refers to...
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