When Carrie expressed to Charles that he was conquest number thirty two, it was one of Scheflen's indicators of sexual intent were of a qualified nature or negated by opposing behaviors. This type of courtship behaviors that she exhibited was in an inappropriate context, however, it showed a teasing interest.

In the opinion of this author, the level of Scheflen's stages that Carrie and Charles reached was obviously invitation, particularly when Carrie shows up at Charles' wedding and this causes him to blow the wedding ceremony by admitting his infatuation with her ("Human nonverbal courtship," 2011).

The gender differences were those normally noted by psychologists such as Scheflen noted are displayed. In such instances, women usually use behaviors such as intimate gazing, touching, smiling, and self-grooming while men used intimate touching. Carrie was atypical in that many women initiate intimate touching only after marriage while men usually do it before...
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